If you held MAp stapled securities that participated in the Simplification on 19 December 2011 (when MAp became SYD), there are tax aspects that you need to consider. Background on the Simplification and these tax matters is contained in the 2012 SYD Tax Statement Guide, in section B4 under the headings What happened on the Simplification? and What are the CGT matters that you need to address in relation to the Simplification?
This calculator has been prepared to assist you, if you wish, to work out the capital gains tax (CGT) matters that you need to address in relation to the Simplification.
The section headed (i) SYD Simplification Tool in the Guide at section B4 describes the Report that you should be able to generate after you use this calculator, and the information it will give you.
It is suggested that, before you start working through this calculator, you have to hand the information you will need in relation to each relevant "Parcel" of MAp/SYD stapled securities.
In this calculator, "Parcel" is used to refer to a group or set of MAp/SYD stapled securities acquired in the same way at the same time under one transaction (such as all securities issued under MAp/SYD's Distribution Reinvestment Plan (DRP) at the same time, or all securities purchased on the ASX under the same trade).
You will need to have to hand:
- for all MAp/SYD Parcels acquired in the period from 25 June 2005 up to and including 5 December 2011 - details of the way in which you acquired the Parcel, the number of stapled securities in the Parcel, and the date and total cost of the acquisition;
- for any Parcels of MAp stapled securities that you acquired on or before 24 June 2005 and still held at the end of 24 June 2005 - details of the way in which you acquired the Parcel, the number of stapled securities in the Parcel, and the date and the total cost of the acquisition;
- if you sold any MAp/SYD stapled securities in the period from 25 June 2005 up to and including 30 June 2011 - details of the dates of disposal and of the number of stapled securities disposed of, and details of any decisions you made for purposes of your 2011 or earlier income tax returns about which Parcels the disposals came from; and
- if you disposed of any MAp/SYD stapled securities in the period from 1 July 2011 up to and including 5 December 2011 - details about which Parcels you will treat the disposals as having come from.
The time it will take to complete this Tool is directly dependent on the number of Parcels you hold, e.g. if you are an investor who first acquired stapled securities in March 2005 and participated in each DRP since that date, we estimate this Tool should take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. This is on the assumption you have at hand all the necessary information before you start.
For privacy reasons we do not ask for your personal information and therefore you will not be able to save any information at any point. At the end of the process you will be provided with a Report which we strongly recommend you print out and retain for your records. If you do not have a printer you will be able to export the Report to Excel. If you do not have Excel or a printer you may need to consider using a different computer which does have access to either a printer and/or Excel.